
Highsun Group: Invests in Fuzhou together with 15 Important Global Partners

On November 23, Highsun Group signed an investment framework agreement with Changle District and Lianjiang County. At the signing ceremony, Lin Baojin, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor You Mengjun, Chairman Chen Jianlong of Highsun Group, Representative Gao Qiquan, the main shareholder of Taiwan Zhaojie Technology, and other cooperative project representatives, and representatives of 7 cooperative banks had discussions and exchanges.

Secretary Lin Baojin expressed congratulations on the signing of the agreement on behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, thanked Highsun Group for its long-term positive contributions to the development of Fujian and Fuzhou, and welcomed all entrepreneurs to invest in Fuzhou. He said that at present, Fuzhou is studying and implementing the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in accordance with the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, vigorously implementing the standardization of industrial parks, promoting the high-quality development of manufacturing, and accelerating the construction of modern industry system. It is hoped that all parties will achieve further cooperation, work together to promote the implementation of the signed projects as soon as possible, and jointly build the world’s most competitive new chemical material industrial park.

As the world’s leading manufacturing company, Highsun Group represents 15 important global partners including Taiwan Zhaojie, Unifi of the U.S., Fubonte of the Netherland, Noyon of France, and China State Power Investment Fujian Hydrogen Energy Co., Ltd., signed ten key industry project group investment agreements with Changle District and Lianjiang County, with a total investment of 16 billion yuan. These projects involve electronic chemicals, special gases, new engineering materials, environmental protection regeneration, intelligent manufacturing, global R&D centers, new energy and other fields. They are important measures for Highsun Group to deploy “one center, four groups” development plan and to attract investment. After the project is completed and put into production, Highsun Group will achieve an additional output value of 24.7 billion yuan. By then, Highsun Group’s total estimated output value will exceed 80 billion. It strives to achieve the goal of being 100 billion industry group by 2022-2023 and inject new power into Fuzhou’s economic development.

The key projects signed this time have a high degree of industry relevance, focusing on the clustered development layout of the new chemical material industry chain, including electronic chemicals and special gases, the province’s first set of 200,000 tons of engineering plastics and film chips, an annual output of 100,000 tons of modified materials, transformation of 30,000 tons of recycled fiber per year, and other “build chains” projects; “strenthen chains” projects such as the construction of the group’s global R&D center and headquarters, and the intelligent manufacturing textile industrial park; and the hydro-legal cyclohexanone and hydrogen energy industrial park, chemical fiber grade titanium dioxide, dimethyl carbonate, chemical fiber auxiliaries and other “supplement chains” projects. Highsun, through the “chain building, strengthening, supplementing”, continuously improves the industrial value chain.

The key projects signed this time are of far-reaching significance. The electronic chemicals and special gas projects of Highsun Group will help break the technological monopoly of countries such as Europe, America, Japan and other countries, and realize the import substitution of high-end electronic grade chemicals and special gas products; After the project with an annual output of 100,000 tons of modified engineering new materials is launched, it will break the monopoly of European and American companies in the field of high-end modified engineering materials, and help the domestic new energy vehicles, military industry, electronic appliances and other industries to achieve leapfrog development.

After the successful implementation of this batch of projects, a comprehensive ecological park will be built with SCC’s annual production of 1 million tons of caprolactam integration project as the center, and the synchronized development of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. And Highsun will realize the developmentfrom the Nylon-6 industrial chain into a comprehensive integrated park, the transformation from the chemical and chemical fiber industry to the high-end new material field. At the same time, Highsun will greatly enhance the development level of industrial agglomeration in Fuzhou Park and promote the extension of Fuzhou’s industry to the high-end value chain.

Post time:Feb-21-2022

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