
How does Polyamide Fiber Industry Shoulder the Responsibility of Fashion

China is a big producer of nylon fiber for civil use, and there is still a broad space for future development. However, compared with the status of a major producer of nylon, China's Nylon industry still needs to enhance its strength in product application and development, brand development, cultural construction and other fields. The era of nylon industry relying on scale and quantity to expand has ended. The change of labor force and other industrial related factors make the industry enter a new period where development mode change, structural adjustment as well as transformation and upgrading are needed. It needs to rely on the drive of science and technology, culture, brand and innovation to improve the value of the industrial chain as a whole.

Fashion is the symbol of nylon fiber

Due to the characteristics of lightweight, easy dyeing, high elasticity, wear resistance, tear resistance and water splashing resistance, nylonfiber is widely used in socks, lace underwear, corset, sports underwear, wedding dress, casual jacket, sportswear, trench coat, outdoor jacket, quick drying clothes, cold proof clothes, outdoor tents, sleeping bags, climbing bags, and other fields.

From the application performance of nylon fiber, nylon products have already possessed the basic elements of fashion products, that is to provide consumers with medium and high-grade consumer goods reflecting popular aesthetic taste and consumption concept.

How to make nylon fiber reach the consumption terminal quickly through diversified and intensive circulation channels is an urgent problem to be solved in perfecting the brand construction road of nylon products and completing the value conversion process from "product" to "commodity" and then to "consumer goods". Highsun is a professional nylon 6 fiber manufacturer, feel free to contact us!

Technical progress supports the building of nylon fashion industry

Advanced foreign technology and equipment are widely used in spinning, knitting, jet weaving, printing and dyeing, clothing, and other links in the nylon industry chain, which lays the hardware foundation for the production of high-quality nylon series products. Secondly, international trade activities over the years have improved the production technology management level and product quality awareness of enterprises.

The Nylon Industry Technology Innovation Alliance which is being organized by the Nylon Professional Committee of China Chemical Fiber Association, uses the advantages of the member units of the industry chain alliance in the basic research of current application, engineering technology development, and industrial operation and so on to tackle key technology and generic technologies, etc. Besides, it fundamentally improves the industry's independent innovation capability and the level of innovation in order to safeguard the sustainable development of the nylon industry.

Carry out creative cultural activities and establish the voice right of nylon fashion

Nylon fiber production enterprises have problems such as insufficient investment in creative design, application development, brand promotion, cultural construction, and industrial chain cooperation, etc. However, with the development of the industry and the continuous expansion of application fields, it has become the top priority for nylon enterprises to raise their awareness of nylon fiber, expand their brand influence, and tap the connotation of nylon fashion culture in order to improve their business philosophy.

In the future, the Nylon Professional Committee will also focus on "carrying out exchanges, guiding consumption and building brands", and strengthen the construction of nylon fashion culture activity system through training, exhibition and docking. The Nylon Professional Committee will call on relevant nylon enterprises to participate in the pilot work of brand cultivation of industrial enterprises organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, organize relevant nylon-related enterprises to participate in exhibitions, technical exchange meetings, media conferences, and other activities from time to time every year; it will also organize member enterprises and downstream enterprises such as knitting, jet weaving, home textile, etc to carry out the technical exchange, joint development of new products and other interactive activities.

Leading industry service consciousness, superior resource integration ability

The Nylon Professional Committee of China Chemical Fiber Association makes use of its advantages in brand communication, media relations, activity organization and management, government public relations, etc. to join hands with superior enterprises in the industrial chain to jointly enhance the added value of nylon fiber brand so as to realize the support of integrated innovation system of creativity, research and development, design, manufacturing, management, marketing, logistics, service and related industries. It takes progress as a breakthrough to fully support industrial development, research and development as the focus to enhance the competitiveness of products, and cultural innovation as the core to fully build a brand appeal of nylon products. All measures mentioned above are taken to gradually maximize the brand value of nylon products.

Post time:Feb-21-2022

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